domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Assessment in ELT


1.    Reading comprehension (1.0)
Read the short story and then mark T if the sentence is true or F if the sentence is false

The tale of horribly good Bertha
"Once upon a time, a long time ago there was a little girl called Bertha. She was always well-behaved and worked hard at school to please her parents and her teachers. She was never late, never dirty, never rude, and she never told lies."
The children on the train began to look bored. "Was she pretty?" asked the smaller girl.
"No," said the young man." She wasn't pretty at all. She was just horribly good. Bertha was so good that she won three gold medals. One said Never Late, one said Always Polite, and the third said Best Child in the World."
"Yuck!" said the three children.
"Anyway, said the young man, "Bertha was so good that the king invited her to his palace. So she put on her best clean white dress and she pinned her three medals to the front, and she walked through the woods to the king's palace. But in the woods there lived a big hungry wolf. He saw Bertha's lovely white dress through the trees and he heard the medals clinking together as she walked.
"Aha!' thought the wolf. 'Lunch!' And he started to move quickly but quietly through the trees toward Bertha."
"Oh, no!" cried the children. "Is he going to eat Bertha?" "Yes, of course," answered the young man. "Bertha tried to run away, but she couldn't run fast because the medals were so heavy. The wolf caught her easily and he ate everything, every bit of Bertha, except her three medals."
"That's terrible story," said the aunt. "No, it isn't," shouted the children. "It's the best story ever!"  "Ah," said the young man, "the train's stopping. It's my station."
1.    ____ Bertha was a bad-behavior.
2.    ____ Bertha was pretty.
3.    ____ Bertha won three medals.
4.    ____ A young man was telling the story to one child
5.    ____ That`s terrible story said the children

2.    Writing (1.0)
Write a story according to the pictures 
     __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

3.    Write the correct family relationship on the line (1.0)
My mother`s bother is my _________________
My brother`s daughter is my ___________________
My mother`s father is my _____________________
My sister`s husband is my ________________
My grandfather`s mother is my ___________________

4.    Listening comprehension (1.0)
Listen to the following conversation and complete the spaces
A: Hello, may I speak ___ Alice please?
B: This is _____. How's it going?
A: I've been trying to _____ you all day.
B: Sorry about that. I was __________ up.
A: It's okay.
B: So what ________ you calling me about?
A: Oh, I just wanted to see if you ________ to hang out tomorrow.
B: Sure, what did you want to do?
A: Maybe we can go ______ a movie or something.
B: That sounds like fun. Let's do it.
A: I'll see _____ tomorrow then.
B: See you then. ___________.

5.    Speaking (1.0)
Oral performance


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