domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Language Learning Resources


The Technology’s use in the classroom has increase. Today is very common that teacher use a computer and video beam for presenting his/her classes. It is great help in the teaching process because teachers rely on technology to realize their classes in which students will be enjoying while learning; this is the success of learning. When teacher use technology his or her role changes improving student`s learning, the teacher is a facilitator supporting their students in activities, teacher can move for all the classroom monitoring students, making question and answering too.       The most important in the use of technology is that students are motivated with it, students today is in constant contact with social networks, IPod, messengers and important and funny pages such as youtube which have become in a tool for communicating with friends, partners, teachers and with many people in other countries in the world.

The world every day is changing for this reason is important that teacher changes too their way of teaching, the old method of teaching where teacher only is front the board write and students only was receiver of information have change, now students are critical, they are participant in the learning process, students give opinions, ideas about what they think about specific topic and together teacher and students are learning in the same time. The technology’s uses have increase in each school exist some technological tools and teacher should use this recourse for improving their teaching. When teacher use technology is good that students work in groups and use the cooperative learning thus, all students will develop social relationship with their classmates.
Internet is used today for many teachers not only in the classroom, also for looking information about different topics witch he or she will teach. Teacher can prepare their classes in power point program with interesting slides making interactive presentation, with power point teacher can use flashcard, autobiography stories, and different other activities. Also teacher in their classes can use these important tools. Is important that when teacher use a video he or she should have a specific web site for choose and not that they have to look information in many pages.

Computers are important in the classroom, today almost all school use a computer for teaching English for this reason is important that teacher are actualized in the use of this tool, with computers teacher can help students achieve success, computer support the four skill in the English speaking, writing, reading and listening. Students listen and resolve exercise in the computer using microphone, speakers and software that help in the English learning. Computers help what students develop task and have a near real situation in the English.

Videos: students like to see new musical videos with fashion artist, it is a good strategy for caught the student´s interest in the class, and also the video is a special resource with it students can use their sight and ear they will know and hear the correct pronunciation for each word in the video. Studies had reveled that when students see a video they retain more information and they have the capacity to remember concepts about that they saw in the video if it is funny and meaningful for them. When teacher choose the video for the class he or she should have into account the topic, the age of students and the duration the video because videos more that 5 minutes is bored for students.

Video beam is used frequently when teachers use a video, power point slides or internet. It is utilized for giving information to students about the topic.

Facebook is the most important network used by students the teacher should use this tool for communicating with students for example creating study group that support the learning, in it students can give a opinion about how they felt in the class, how was the teacher´s didactic, also teacher can put information about sites in the web where students can find more information about some topic. Facebook also help students in improve the English skill because they can find people which speak in English and students can talk with them and improve their level in the English. The teacher should give instruction about the way to use this tool adequately working with responsibility. In Facebook students can ask to teacher about homework or specific topic developed in class.

Other type of technology includes the use of cell phone in the class. Almost all students have this tool in their hands; teacher can ask to students make a short recording in order to know how their pronunciation is and correct these mistakes. Also students can take a picture of the teacher or other person and will try to describing the characteristic of her or his clothes for example colors or sent messenger of text for their partners and use the English in all moment. The music is other tools for learn English; students like to sing and in this way teacher can give them the lyrics of the one song and students will try to complete the empty spaces. Power point is and important program can create effective animation for slide

The technology offer a new method of teaching, although these have many advantages in the process for example that create a real context, technology permit students are in contact with people with other cultures, language and thought, also have some disadvantages for example the internet have pages which are not adequate for students and is important that teacher and parents can monitoring students when they are using the technology, also the use of technology is expensive. Some students can not access to internet because they are very poor and they don’t have the opportunity to learn in the same way that others.

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